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Smart Ideas For The Ultimate Camping Experience

What are the 10 essentials for camping?

This country is filled with a multitude of stunning nature reserves and national parks, yet every year more people opt out of communing with nature and opt into sterile hotels. It is time to get back to basics and a fun-filled camping trip is just the way to go. Read on for tips and hints on how to have a great time in the great outdoors.

If you are going on a camping adventure, make sure you have enough time to set up camp before dark. It can be extremely difficult to set up camp in the dark and possibly unsafe. You need to be able to scout the terrain, prepare bedding, and possibly build some temporary shelter prior to the sun going down.

Make sure that all of your friends and family are involved in choosing the camping site. Think about where it is you want to go. Choosing one can be really hard in the United States, given how many places there are to go! If it is the simpler option, try picking a few you favor and letting your whole family vote on them.

Avoid any wildlife you may come into contact with. Bears have become a fairly large problem with campers. In some parks they have been known to rip open the trunk of a car to gain access to food. Raccoons are also a big problem in many campgrounds. Not only are they smart and can gain access to your food supplies easily, but they can carry disease as well.

Always bring along a well-stocked emergency kit when you head out on a camping trip. Though your location can contribute to necessities in the kit, the basics will remain the same. Items that will help with possible snake bites or a sling in case of sprains or breaks is a good idea, too.

If you're going to be taking your children camping, attend a first-aid course. This way, if someone were to have an accident, you'll possess enough knowledge to deal with it enough until medical help arrives. Be sure to do thorough research too. You should be aware of things like whether there are snakes around and what kind of animals live there.

Try to go swimming when you are camping. Many people miss a nice warm shower while camping. The water helps you feel refreshed and a bit cleaner so that you don't miss showering quite as much.

Clean up thoroughly when leaving a campsite. Try your best not to leave any trace of you at the campsite you stayed in. This is important, not just in terms of being considerate of other people. There are animals and insects that continue to live in the woods after you have left, so think of them used canvas tents for sale as well.

Remember, when you are camping you will not have access to many kitchen luxuries. At most, you will have a can opener as well as a basic burner. This means canned foods make a great meal, but even better are things that need very little preparation, like peanut butter sandwiches.

Save space in your bag by leaving mixing spoons and containers behind, and instead just bring plastic zip-lock bags. Place the foods or liquids that you want to mix in the bag, and ensure that the zipper is well closed before mixing. Not only do the bags take up considerably less space than bowls and spoons, but they're much more lightweight as well!

For your first trip camping, avoid straying too far from home. You may encounter problems with your equipment, or you may decide to come home early. It could be that you didn't pack enough food or your clothing is not warm enough. Many problems may occur for novice campers, so be sure to camp near home.

An indispensable item to pack for your camping trip is Ziploc bags. You can separate items in your gear like sunscreen and bug spray so if they puncture they do not get all over your gear. You can also use them to keep items like matches and cellphones dry if it rains.

When planning a camping trip, be sure to plan on getting to your campsite before dark. This way you will have daylight in order to set up camp, check out your site for dangers, such as broken glass, dangerous tree branches and other potential dangers or problems that can be fixed before bedtime.

The supplies for your next camping excursion should include a couple rolls of duct tape. This item has many uses and can help you save a lot of time and money. Tape can be used to seal holes in your sleeping mattress. You can also seal holes in sleeping bags or tents. If you're planning on taking a long hike, place it on your feet to prevent blisters. In a pinch, it can even serve as a bandage for injuries.

Always inform friends and family of your camping trip and location. Make sure to establish contact numbers and pertinent information on how to find you should something untoward occur. When you have a safety net like this in place, it will allow you to relax on your trip, knowing help can always find you.

Before setting out on your next camping trip, check out your first aid kit. If there are any items that are missing, replace them. If any of the ointments or medications are low in quantity, remove them and replace them will a new package. Check the expiration date on topical ointments and medications and replaced any that are outdated.

You should carry a survival knife on your camping trips. This portable knife can be used for hunting, for protection, and for a signal if you need help. You need to carry one that is durable, so try to invest in a quality knife from an outdoor goods or camping store.

If you are sleeping in a tent bring a rug or welcome mat. It is easy to track dirt and debris into your tent. This can be very unpleasant and uncomfortable to sleep on at night. To combat this, put a rug outside the entrance and wipe your feet before you enter.

Make sure that you always carry a survival kit with you, especially when you wonder away from your campsite. This kit should contain water filters, a knife, compass, other first-aid tools like bandages and cold packs, and more. This will help ensure you are properly prepared to handle the wild.

There's no need for your trip to be a bummer because you were not prepared for some of the most basic things that come with camping. Thanks to this article you be a camping pro! Have a great time outdoors and surprise everyone with all your new knowledge while on your trip.

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